Most of our clients want to know what the difference is between traditional and digital caricatures. When people hear about this new medium, they want to make sure that they will be working with an artist and not a computer. Clients want to know the benefits of digital caricatures and if they will be able to take their picture home...and the list goes on.
Never fear! When you request digital caricatures, an artist (all of our artists do traditional paper caricatures, as well) comes to your event equipped to give you a paper copy, or if you opt for it, a digital copy! The digital sketches are beautiful and every bit as unique as a traditional caricature, and the quality is top notch. Colors are vivid and the each artist's individual style is communicated through the digital format.
We are excited to see this thrive in the DFW area and look forward to bringing you more visual examples of this beautiful art! If you have any questions about digital caricatures or how you can have an artist come to your next event, simply give us a call at 214-886-4243. We look forward to talking with you!